Semarak gebyar Flexi di Telkom Bali

Mei 3, 2009

flexi-logoDatanglah segera di Gebyar flexi murah di telkom teuku umar bali, jl teuku umar no 6, menawarkan berbagai macam merk hp cdma, kapan lagi bisa beli hp murah kalo bukan sekrang, buruan sebelum kehabisan hanya dari tanggal 4 mei 2009 sampai 30 mei, ntar nyesel lo kalo kehabisan, telkom flexi bukan telepon biasa…..

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Maret 28, 2009

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Rockstar Games
PlayStation 2
Rockstar has never been a company to shy away from controversy. With it’s newest game, Manhunt 2, getting essentially banned in Britain and Ireland , it seems they are more controversial than ever. Before the Manhunt 2 controversy, Rockstar released another Gran Theft Auto for the Playstation Portable, called Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Released during the holiday season of 2006, it has recently had a version ported to the Playstation 2, however it continues to sell more prominently on the Playstation portable.
Vice City Stories revolves around Victor Vance, a United States Army soldier. Victor maintains a high moral code at first; however it quickly becomes compromised when his sergeant, Jerry Martinez, orders him to traffic cocaine, among other things. However, one day, while Victor was bringing back a prostitute for Martinez, he is caught by army officials along with drugs found underneath his bed. Victor is dishonorably discharged for his actions and now he must start up on the streets of Vice City. However, with gangs, drug dealers and hookers flooding the neighborhood, it’ll take all of Victor’s resourcefulness, along with some possible help from family, to survive, not to mention get his revenge on the man who ruined his life. All this and more can be found in the newest addition in the Grand Theft Auto series.
Since Liberty City Stories, Rockstar has worked to improve on the PSP formula, which included, among other things, faster load times. They also made the missions longer, allowing gamers to get more game play out of the games. In addition, they added more multiplayer modes in order to give more opportunities for gamers to play online on their PSPs. While changing certain things, they also
kept the parts of the formula that worked the same. One of the most popular things about Vice City was the fantastic soundtrack. Well, Rockstar opted to keep a similar soundtrack available for Vice City Stories along with adding some more brilliant radio personalities. It also allowed you to customize the soundtracks, a feature
While Vice City Stories has some market improvements, there are also many drawbacks that hinder it. For one, if you didn’t like Vice City the first time, you’re not going to like it now. Also, they left out the ability to upgrade your stats, something seen in San Andreas, which came out after ViceCity . Some of the missions can be very frustrating, and giving very little instructions which can mislead the user. There are still problems with locking-on, especially if you’re face-to-face with you enemy. Overall, Vice City Stories does very little to push the series.
Fans of the GTA series will not be disappointed when picking up this game, especially with it’s now more reasonable $29.99 price tag. Given the “M” rating, it is not recommended for anyone under the age of 17, however if you fit the bill, it’s definitely a must-have of the Playstation Portable’s always expanding library.

GTA series di PS2

Maret 28, 2009

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Rockstar Games
PlayStation 2

“Welcome to the jungle — we’ve got fun ‘n’ games.”

The Guns ‘N’ Roses lyric featured in the ads for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas aptly describes what players can expect from the latest installment in the GTA series. With its increased scope and the addition of plenty of new twists, San Andreas is purchase-worthy for any PS2 owner that falls into the “Mature: 17+” category.

In GTASA, players assume the role of C.J., a former sexual criminal returning home after five years away. As he arrives, he’s picked up by two corrupt police officers who dangle the death of another cop over him. As a result, C.J. is forced to enter his old life and try to make things right.

The most obvious change in the game can be found in the game’s title. Instead of dealing with one city — GTA III approximated New York City, Vice City did ’80s Miami — San Andreas occurs in a mock state made up of knock-offs of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas.

However, a bigger game world is only the beginning. Veterans of earlier GTA titles will be pleased that falling into water no longer means instant death. Instead, C.J. is able to swim on the surface and submerge. Other improvements include the chance to customize C.J.’s appearance, the ability to parachute from planes and the opportunity to date girls throughout San Andreas.

Rockstar did well to incorporate many new gameplay mechanisms into extremely varied missions. Fans of Splinter Cell will be pleased with the inclusion of stealth-intensive missions, and those who prefer to carry a big stick will not be disappointed either. New weapons like heat-seeking missiles make C.J. a menace to society on foot, while some new military vehicles patrol the not-so-friendly skies above San Andreas.

However, one letdown is the soundtrack. While the tunes stay true to the early ’90s setting, it’s likely that only hip-hop and rap fans will be entirely pleased. For everyone else, the requisite talk radio, classic rock and alternative stations will have to do. The simple fact is the nearly flawless soundtrack of Vice City may have set the bar impossibly high for San Andreas.

Also, while loading times have been reduced, players will notice scenery “pop-ins” when traveling at high speeds. While the problem is not an issue on the ground, a skyscraper appearing out of nowhere when you’re in the air can put a serious dent into your adventure.

Nevertheless, San Andreas is an amazing game. Nearly every aspect of the game is top-notch, and the undeniable sense of mirth, mischief and fun will welcome you back to the urban jungle again and again. CJ lagi bergaya ala don corleone